
 Our club has a long history of nearly 70 years as a traditional mixed chorus group. We hold a concert every summer, which is our main activity. In addition, we perform at several competitions and music festivals.

Our club attaches importance of behaving independently by following the standards set by school.

We try to understand music deeply by sharing our opinions.

We also practice hard to sing beautiful and brilliant harmony and to play so that we can touch audiences’ hearts.

Also, a lot of members focus hard on not only club activities but also going on to universities and medical schools we are aiming for every year.

The results of our competitions in 2019

The 86th NHK music competition in Aomori prefecture Gold prize

The 86th NHK music competition in Tohoku region Bronze prize

The 55th all Japan chorus competition in Aomori prefecture  Gold prize

The 70th all Japan chorus competition in Aomori prefecture  Gold prize

