
Handball is a sport which is played by 7 people, and they score when the ball enter the goal. There are 6players and 1 goalie. The player must not step on the line 7 meters away from the goal. Handball has a first half and a second half, the team with the highest total score wins. The rules allows for substitution of players. It is a fun sport like a combination of soccer and basketball. The players bump opponent aggressively, and jump and fire the shot. Therefore, handball is called Martial Art in the Air. Also, the players cannot walk more than 4 steps, so it is important to pass the goal. The key to win is cooperation with teammates. Now, our handball team practices hard every day for the secondary qualifying round in Aomori prefecture. The team which takes the championship in the game can take part in the Tohoku tournament. We will continue to do our best to achieve our goal. Thank you for reading.

