SGH Poster Presentation

On October 20th, 2016, all students in the first and second grade gave presentations using posters in the first and second gymnasiums and library. Since this year, our students have been conducting their research activity in seminars (small groups) across school years and classes. Divided into 155 groups according to content of research theme, they gave presentations about the results of their fieldwork and research activity that they had done so far.

It was their first time presenting, but all the students did their best for the listeners to understand their explanation. They will improve their presentation considering the feedback, questions and comments that they received, and prepare for another poster presentation in January 12th, 2017.

SGH course students (26 students) in the second grade will deepen their research activity for fieldwork in Singapore from January 9th to 14th, 2017.

State of SGH Poster Presentation